Live a longer, healthier and happier life, today
Welcome to the British Longevity Society (BLS), a non-profit society founded in 1992 and specially created for people who want to live a longer, healthier life.
“Everybody wants to live long, but not to be old.”
Johnathan Swift 1667-1745
Our mission
We’re here to educate
The constitution of the BLS is the aim to; “further public education on issues connected with the means for counteracting the processes, causes and effects of ageing.”
The BLS is independent of commercial interests and is not accountable to any profit-making industrial/commercial organization. Its medical advisor is Marios Kyriazis MD, MSc (Gerontology), Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (Royal College of Physicians), MIBiol, CBiol.
Dr. Kyriazis comments: “Nature has given us the ability to live a healthy and productive life until the age of 120 years, but very few people reach this age in good health, mainly because their lifestyle increases the chances of early ageing and disease. However, it is possible to reduce our chances of disability in later life by making some sensible changes to our way of living.”
The BLS highlights the advances in anti-ageing medicine to help prevent diseases and disorders to improve everyone’s optimal health span.
Learn how you and your family can benefit from the BLS and discover the future of preventative medicine and learn how advances in the understanding of biochemistry can be applied today to allay, alleviate, slow or reverse diseases and disorders associated with ageing.